Get your dream ATAR without expensive tutoring

With this package You'll be able to:

1. Achieve Your Dream ATAR and get into your dream university course

2. Become an academic weapon that is well rounded and doesn't have to sacrifice their personal life

3. Dominate the classroom with scientifically grounded + innovative strategies

4. Understand step by step how to ACE high school (detailed, no bs)

5. Save thousands of dollars otherwise spent on overpriced private tutoring

What You're Going to Get:

My 8-Step Framework for ATAR Success (with 50+ videos, 4+hrs of content) 

MODULE 1: The Pre-Requisite for Success 

MODULE 2: How to Excel in the Classroom

MODULE 3: Bullsh*t Study Techniques & What to do Instead

MODULE 4: New AI tools that are game-changers

MODULE 5: How to become an Academic Weapon outside of class

MODULE 6: Biohacking to Give Yourself an Unfair Advantage

MODULE 7: Why everyone sucks at Exams

MODULE 8: What it takes to reach the top 0.05% of Australia

But as a BONUS for this limited Pre-Sale...

BONUS 1: Access to the FULL course at 50% off (valued at $497)

​BONUS 2: 30min 1-1 coaching session where I provide you with a plan on how to ace VCE (valued at $75)

BONUS 3: Extra courses based on YOUR feedback (valued at $197)

BONUS 4: 24/7 DMs - where I respond to your questions within a day (valued at $207)

BONUS 5: My personal VCE resources (valued at $300)

​BONUS 6: Extra module on how ANY student can get a high ATAR - even if you are not naturally smart like me (valued at $197)

​BONUS 7: Access to a private community (released with the course) with me and other cracked students that will answer your questions (valued at $100)

Total Value: $1573

But obviously I'm not going to charge $1573

But if I did charge you $1573, would it be worth it?

If it actually helped you achieve your dream ATAR, would it be worth it?

I had two choices with the price of this course. The first option was I could go as cheap as possible and try to sell as many as possible by lowering the value...

So I decided to go with the second option which obviously requires a slightly higher investment on your side.

But in exchange for that,  I can dedicate much more time, energy and resources to guarantee your success

So how much would your dream ATAR and getting into your dream uni be worth?

You can see why so many parents spend thousands on their child's education each year 

But because you're part of our community, I'm going to give you a very special offer

Total Value: $1573

Actual Price: $197

Here’s What People Are Saying

(for my free videos, which I will match and exceed with the below offer)

You've Got 2 Choices

You can choose to do nothing or you can become THAT student

The student that is an academic weapon, has amazing grades, amazing social circle, amazing health 

That could be you